We are currently unable to find a free alternative or a font similar to the commercial font identified above, and you will need to follow the relevant links above and purchase a font license. Some of them are made by support from the local governments (Uthman, Nastaliq, Neirizi) and some others are made by individuals. Segoe UI is supplied along with various Microsoft products like Office, Windows 7, Windows 8 etc.
Therefore, you’ll have to either install the fonts using a Microsoft fonts package or extract them from an active Windows installation or the ISO image. Unlike Google fonts, there’s no central repository for downloading Microsoft fonts for Linux. New computers with weak processors and low memory are also supported.

Linuxfx was developed for users who have computers that used Microsoft Windows 7 and cannot run Windows 10 or 11. As you might have noticed there are not that many companies making Arabic fonts. The fonts here are true Arabic fonts ready to be used in any Arabic or Persian (Farsi) layout.
I list them all in the near future in another post about commercial Arabic and Persian (Farsi) fonts, but here I introduce the available free fonts I find most useful. RELATED: How to Install, Remove, and Manage Fonts on Windows, Mac, and Linux. microsoft windows media center windows 7 free download. What I want to introduce here are not a bunch of links to some Arabic-looking exotic Latin-script fonts.

So most of the efforts in this field is done by a few companies (like Linotype, Monotype, and some others) outside the Middle East. The reason for that might be the fact that one cannot make any money by designing Arabic or Persian typefaces. When the confirmation box appears, click Yes. Find the font that you want to remove, right-click on it and choose Delete. Go to the Fonts section in the Control Panel window. The fonts here are true Arabic fonts ready to be used in any Arabic or Persian (Farsi) layout.Īs you might have noticed there are not that many companies making Arabic fonts. Click on the Windows Orb and go to Control Panel. What I want to introduce here are not a bunch of links to some Arabic-looking “exotic” Latin-script fonts.